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There is a way out.

Evidence-based treatment

that heals chronic conditions

My Story

I’m Isabel Benatar and I’m a certified Chronic Pain Recovery Practitioner. I came to this training from my own experience healing from chronic pain, which completely changed the way I see my body, my mind, and my life. I've found my purpose in guiding clients on their own journeys. 

Sunrise over the Wheat Field

How It Works



We'll start with a comprehensive assessment to determine whether the chronic condition you are experiencing is neuroplastic, followed by thorough psychoeducation about the science of neuroplastic conditions to give you a strong foundation of knowledge for your healing journey.



We will use evidence-backed treatments including Pain Reprocessing Therapy (validated by a randomized controlled study as the most effective current treatment for chronic pain) to rewire neural pathways in the brain and deactivate symptoms.



To ensure sustained freedom from chronic symptoms, we will address emotional threats beyond the symptoms themselves and teach the brain a new default setting -- one of gravitating to positive feelings and sensations.

Rachel W.

My coaching experience with Isabel has truly been life changing … Since working with her I’m having fewer migraines than I have had in over a year. I have a completely new perspective on pain.

Mike M.

The coaching sessions with Isabel were incredibly helpful. She skillfully balanced attentive listening with asking the right questions at the right moments, leading to important revelations for me. 

Jenna S.

Isabel showed me what it’s like to have someone hold space for you while guiding you to understand yourself more deeply through compassionately curious questioning.
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